Discovering Landscapes
Published by Independent Arts in Member News · Wednesday 29 Jan 2025 · 2:30
Discovering Landscapes a new project from National Landscapes with Independent Arts - The Isle of Wight National Landscape is for everyone to visit, enjoy and take care of. The project Discovering Landscapes will open up routes for Isle of Wight residents to begin a journey of Nature Connection and develop a relationship with the landscape. The project will focus on those who have previously faced barriers in accessing the landscape.

Independent Arts are delighted to have been invited by National Landscapes to join the project as one of three delivery partners and have devised Earth Star as their creative response to the aims set down by National Landscapes to increase nature connectedness for Island residents.

Programmes Manager Kerry Tindall explains:
‘Earth Star is offered as part of this exciting National Landscapes project to ten home educating families and fifteen home educated children on the Isle of Wight. Our programme opened in early January, and in the weeks running up to our first trip out into the landscape at Carisbrooke our group have been exploring wayfinding. The idea of wayfinding is so interesting both personally, literally and educationally, and has given us great opportunities to wrap geography and ethnology and human experience into our creative planning. During these chilly, icy January weeks we have been looking at the life and work of 19C. Newport born, artic explorer Edgar Greenshield who spent many years living with the Inuit people of the artic and sub-artic regions.
These people crossed the great polar ice fields by studying the sastrugi (repeating patterns of sculpted ridges in the snow formed by prevailing winds). It has been a lot of fun learning together with our group about this process of navigation following directional winds, and comparing how we move through and experience our landscapes and surroundings today, when we have so many digital and gps aids to do the job for us! We’ve had some great table discussions, and the group have made their own way maps with some surprising and very personal way marks. It will be interesting to see how they begin to choose their own way marks from the areas of the landscape we will be visiting over the next six months. In these early workshops we have also been recreating sastrugi patterns using spray paints and folded papers with some really striking results!’

The project will run for seven months with Independent Arts, and there are plans for several visits out into the landscape with home educating families.